Up first was The Capillaries. Gut response: They got ripped off by being so early in the evening, as they were really on and did a great set for those who arrived early. Here's a shot of two of them:

The Capillaries
Next came The Craze, who confused the hell out of me a good way. At various times during their set I thought of Billy Idol, Duran Durhan, Duane Eddy and circa-1980s Rolling Stones. It was unique and interesting and had a good number of folks in the small crowd dancing.
Third on the bill was Tiny Volcano featuring Vanilla. Really two bands smooshed into one, I was a bit disapointed. I just found Tiny Volcano a few months back (actually right when I started the blog), and I loved their piano driven, Jellyfish-esque bounce. I didn't get that from this set. It was solid, but different than my expectation.
Jon Auer took the stage in a solo setting and performed some tunes from his new solo record. The songs were compelling and hushed. Jon's a pro and his voice rang through the room and captivated everyone, who stood pretty much in silence listening. Toward the end of his set, he lightened the mood by playing Big Star's "thirteen." This woke the crowd up (to which Jon replied, "you guys are like shooting fish in a barrel," which was true in this moment). He also did Joe Jackson's "Is She Really Going Out With Him" and a humorous, crack-spoon referencing take on an Eddie Money tune. Here's a picture of Jon in the early goings of the performance.

Jon Auer
On that note, I'm going to split this blog post into two postings, because it's so darn long.
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