First up were The Neat. I enjoyed their set. I said to my friend Chris that it's always interesting to hear bands who play music as if they had not been exposed to the 1990s or 2000s at all. Indeed, these guys sounded straight out of somewhere around 1979... and I mean that it a good way. I do have a christmas gift idea for the bass player, and I hope to goodness that drummers wearing berets are not making a comeback (see photo below). Otherwise, good set!
Oh, and I totally covet this guy's Vox teardrop repro. It's purdy.

The Neat
Next up were the Young Sportsmen. No need for me to gush, because I think you all get it by now that I really like these guys. Their set was packed with their usual Superdrag-meets-The Figgs pop rockery. Aside from the music, an interesting part of their set was when the Comet blew a fuse, leaving only the drummer able to make audible sounds. In his honor, here's a shot of him playing:

Young Sportsmen
Third on the bill was the Press Corps, who took me on a time warp to about 15 years ago. I probably won't make any friends by saying this, because the band is made up of well known musicians. But, I found the whole thing kind of boring. Of course, I'm a melody kind of guy, so your milage may vary.
I almost ran out of steam during the Press Corps set and considered leaving. But, I loves me some Tripwires, so I hung in there. And I'm glad I did, since I got my second wind as soon as they took the stage. I adore their mix of Big Star powerpop, admitted Nashvile Ramblers fascination and telecaster twang. Rootsy, but catchy. Rocking, but melodic. They're one of my favorite bands in town.
I took a bunch of photos of The Tripwires. These two are my favorites:

The Tripwires

The Tripwires
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