Sorry to shout there. I just wish I had a better camera, but can't stomach paying so much for a digital SLR when I know the day after I buy it they'll come out with a better model at half the price.
Anyway, as I mentioned a few times leading up to it, down at the Crocodile last night there was a mighty fine pop show. Here are some photos:
Starting the night was Central Services. I was disappointed to find that the fellas are losing a member. Ethan, who is also in Math and Physics Club, is leaving the group to pursue his own recordings. He was playing an awfully pretty Rickenbacker guitar through a Vox amp, and they said from the stage that his recordings sound "straight out of 1967." So, color me interest to hear what he's going to be doing.
I was exploring the zoom during their set and snapped this image of Jeff:

Second on the bill was the Young Sportsmen. As always, they brought the rock and the volume. They're just so darn reliable and solid, it makes you wonder if they ever have a bad show. I was trying to capture the arena-sized rock by getting a wider shot. Sadly, the output with this camera resulted in two distinct camps: blurry photo and overly washed out flash photo.
I'll choose the blurry photo with character every time.

Once again I was unable to take pictures of Shake Some Action, due to being occupied on stage playing all the low notes, and being totally distracted by having to change a broken string during the first freaking song. Without exaggeration, I've been playing bass for 20 years and that's only the third time I've ever broken a string live. Thankfully I was able to change it out without a super long delay.
Blogger update: I had a photo of the Shake Some Action set sent in by Sarah (who is also a militant Virb enthusiast... she's trying to ween folks off of myspce and onto Virb -- how's that going, Sarah? I still can't make myself do it.). She snapped this photo with her cell phone. I think it really shows off my shiny dome. :)

So, after SSA left the stage, the now-officially-renamed Red Sky (formerly known as New West Motels) took over. They've expanded to a five piece, having snagged a keyboard player who is so new to town that I overheard Rob giving him directions to the Crocodile before the show.
These guys churn out tunes that are swirly and dreamy, and I was able to catch a picture of bassist Doran that represents that vibe pretty well -- although this shot looks a little more menacing than the band actually sounds.

That was a fun show, I'm glad I came out! I got a couple pictures of SSA from my camera phone, but I'm sure they will be "blurry and with character" as well. I'll send them along as soon as I decide to get out of bed.
Seriously, my Virb cause would be helped SO much if more hot people would make the switch. I know all the cute guys are on myspace because that's where the hot girls are. Come on people, somethin's gotta give.
Anyway, last night's show at the Croc was my first foray into the local music scene. It was fun. Send me a Virb next time you're going out. I *must* make a habit of this.
Alright, Sarah. You asked for it... I go out to rock shows all the time. So, I'll be bugging you regularly to come with. :)
And just to make you happy, I'm going to put up a post about Virb. :)
(p.s. and keep me posted on the Fratellis plan)
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