Friday, December 08, 2006

BOAT auctions a song on eBay

A truly quirky auction from Seattle's favorite quirky popsters, BOAT. Seattle bands Harvey Danger and Awesome have one of these auctions, as well.

The backstory here is you can bid for the band to do a cover of any song of your choice. If you win the auction, they'll record it for you. The whole thing is part of The Stranger's "Strangercrombie" holiday fundraising efforts.

It very well may be worth your cash to hear BOAT doing the world's longest pop song or Harvey Danger doing something by Philip Glass just to mess with them. Or perhaps you have a sentimental favorite you'd like to have them do.

But, either way, the real gift is that the money that is going to Northwest Harvest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BOATS cover was "Driver 8" by REM.