Saturday, June 30, 2007

Thoughts on the anniversary show

Whew... now that I'm a little more awake, I thought I'd try to post some thoughts about the anniversary show last night before they faded into a jumbled mess of memories.

First, why, oh, why do I ever think that any kind of rock show is going to start on time? The PDXplore early show at the Sunset was supposed to start at 7pm and end at 8:30pm. Unfortunately I don't think the first band for that show even arrived until 7pm. So, sorry to all you anniversary show attendees who had to stand around outside the venue until after 9pm for them to finish up.

But, once things got rolling, they were cooking! The Knast came out of the gate strong. I had heard their recordings, but this was my first chance to see them live, and they didn't disappoint. I love what they're doing, and I can't wait to hear more from them.

Andy Werth packed his group onto the stage after The Knast. As they set up, I said to Andy that it was a little bit like clowns in a volkswagon. It was quite a sight to behold -- two keyboards, bass, drums, guitar and two trumpet players (and believe it or not, they left their cello player at home!). They cranked out crowd pleasing, catchy songs and did a great job with the Color Bars cover.

The Small Change took the stage next and, as always, didn't disappoint. I don't know if I have anything to say beyond my usual praise for these guys. But, don't let my loss for words fool you -- they rocked the house.

Shake Some Action (with me on bass) was on fourth. I never really like to say much about my own performances. But, I thought it went well, and we received a bunch of nice compliments from folks. I think my favorite was from a fellow who recognized one of the songs we played and it was familiar enough to him for him to think it was a cover. Nope, it was our tune. It just happens that it got a lot of KEXP airtime earlier in the year!

Dept of Energy followed us. I find these guys, and Robb in particular, quite captivating to watch and listen to. There's sort of this inward intensity with their playing that I dig. David Bos and I decided that the guitar riff to their song "Story" is one of the catchiest in recent memory.

To close out the night, Sgt Major gave us a tour de force of rock and energy and pop and past and present and whiskey and pogos and "Lump" and so much more. That was one of the most enertaining and fun sets I've seen in a while. They were on fire, and the crowd was right there with them. Packed up to the very edge of the stage, the audience fed them and vice versa. Damn good time.

After two encores, the lights came on and the recorded music started playing over the PA system. But, after about two-thirds of the room had cleared out and the Sunset staff started making the rounds to clean up, an impromptu, and somewhat drunken, set broke out featuring (at various times) Kurt Bloch, the Sangster bros, Greg Small Change, Jason Small Change, Scott Sutherland, Dustin Riffbroker and possibly some other folks.

It was out of tune and filled with missed chords and plenty of off-key caterwauling. And at some point Greg Small Change hit himself in the face with a microphone and started bleeding (which is only funny since earlier in the night he jokingly said they were going to a whole set of GG Allin tunes). But, it was a rough, rugged and right way to end what was the perfect party to celebrate the Blog's anniversary.

I couldn't have asked for more. Here's to another year of great music by Seattle powerpop bands! Cheers.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the show, and the encore was the perfect ending--just wish it could have gone on longer.

My pictures are up at There is one of Greg Small Change airborne during there set, and you're welcome to any/all of them, and I can send you the originals if you'd like.

Now to start working on the video =).

Seattle Powerpop said...

Thanks, Chris. I've linked over to your photos and site from a new post.