Thursday, July 12, 2007

If You're Only Doing One Thing...

I totally forgot that I was going to start doing a weekly recommendation. So, if you're only doing one thing this week, I recommend you make it the Curtains For You, Friday Mile, and Andy Werth at the High Dive.

It's an interesting line up because all three are poppy as could be, but none of the three are particularly guitar heavy in their approach. But, at the same time, none of them are particularly twee or "indiepop" either. One trait they all share, however, is that I'm a fan. So, I'll be there.

In their poster for the show they seem to be cutting off the heads of a variety of people, not all of which I can recognize. I find this someone ironic, since they all seem like pretty nice folks who make music that doesn't insight violence (unless you've got a problem with toe-tapping pop melodies).


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