Our pumpkins

Welcome to our yard

Spooky haunted pergola :)

Marcus the Carcus in his grave
Seattle-area Garage/Power-Pop/Rock band w/ label support (indie USA & Europe) needs pro-level drummer for upcoming tours (U.S./Europe), recording. etc -- we're looking for a full-time member. Do you dig Kenny Jones, Moon, Chris Dangerous? We like Buzzcocks, The Jam, Hives, The Who, Mudhoney, Thin Lizzy, etc... Ages: 19-25. Must have gear, transport, hard-working attitude. Also, NEED TO LOOK like you belong in a ROCK band. NO JUGGALOS. Male/Female/Both we don't care -- must be able to tour and not cry about it. If you're interested contact THE PRANKS at : erikfoster@gmail.com, (425) 941-6476 or WWW.MYSPACE.COM/THEPRANKS
"I'm a friend/fan of the band, and the opportunity to follow them around in Europe and film a mini live tour video came up in May... due to unforseen circumstances, the video isn't finished yet (although it should be up in about a month) but while everyone's been waiting on me I put up some live clips on YouTube from a few of the shows."
If you've never been inside....don't let the word "saloon", nor the assortment of Harley's and tribal tatoos outside alarm you. We wouldn't play somewhere dangerous to your physical being....definitely not somewhere dangerous to OURS!?!?
Just thought I'd let you know that Speaker Speaker is playing live on 107.7 The End's local music show, the Young and the Restless, this Sunday night. The show is 8-10pm, and the band should be on around 9. They'll be playing live versions of songs from their unreleased album, Call It Off, as well as chatting with host Chris Travis (and Stranger Interim Music Editor Megan Seling?). Maybe they'll take requests? Maybe they'll spin some songs from the album? You just don't know. You just. don't. know.
But it will be awesome! They are also promoting their upcoming show at the Vera Project/YMCA on Nov. 4th, with the Lashes, No-Fi Soul Rebellion, and the Neons! Feel free to share on your SP blog.
You can also listen live at www.1077theend.com, AND it will be archived on the site as well, at least for a week..
A week from today Visqueen boards a plane bound for London to support Neko Case on a fall UK tour. Ben's language lessons are going great and he's got a real handle on "English" and “Irish”.
Starting tomorrow, Jules Maes in Seattle's beloved Georgetown neighborhood will secretly open it’s bar doors to host two nights of Visqueen warm up shows. Rusty Willoughby's master-threepiece LLAMA joins us on this very rare and special double-decker occasion.
Tuesday 10/24 & Wednesday 10/25
Jokes start at 9.
3 people can sure make a lot of racket;)
Somebody said that they heard from somewhere that the band broke up.
Let me quote Joey Veneziani and Dejha C on more occasions that can be counted,
"Daylight Basement is not a band".
Davis would disagree.
People quickly forget that DB was me, my guitar, and my computer. For the CD release, I got the priveledge to play with good friends and musicians.
I will never forget the early shows, when people would rush up and ask "who did that?- The programming? The other instruiments."
Let me see- On stage there was: 1) Me, 2) Guitar and amp, 3) Computer.
Men in the electronic community did not receive the same questions.
And not that it matters.
What does matter is this:
Daylight Basement was my moniker for writing elecro-pop.
I would like to thank the talented instrumentalists that gave everything they could at the time.
I will be writing another album under that moniker in 2007. Many songs are already drafted.
In the mean time- I just feel like playing with the acoustic.
It's what I feel right now.
No beats. No synth. Nothing to hide behind. Just the words and the song.
I am Daylight Basement.
I'm also Bre Loughlin.
Nurse, auntie, moodie lady who's in love with the world.
See you Thursday at Nectar, or on Oct 13 at the Croc...