I can only hope to promise more of this in 2007! So, have a safe and happy New Year's Eve, and I'll see you 2007.

Potential restrictions/conditions placed on nightclubs. A major concern of this legislation is that any business defined as a nightclub could not allow persons under 21 on their premises, thereby eliminating all-ages shows at places that serve alcohol. It could also prevent restaurants that have live entertainment in the evenings from serving families lunch and dinner. In addition, this bill would allow WSLCB along with local law enforcement to establish conditions on a nightclub’s operations. These conditions would likely include mandatory security requirements and conditions currently identified in many of the city’s good neighbor agreements.
Please contact you legislator and the WSLCB to express you opinion about this legislation. We will need to mount an aggressive campaign to fight this bill. You can find your legislators at http://apps.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder/Default.aspx. Please cc rachel@seattlenma.org on your emails to your elected officials so that we can have a central place for these correspondence.
Sadly, a friend of mine died last week in the Seattle storm. Her name was Kate Fleming. She was a super talented voice-over artist, actress, producer. She passed away attempting to save the gear in her home studio.
She recently hired me to write the soundtrack for an audio book series about troubled teens for Scholastic Inc. called "Twelve". We were both really excited about this project. Kate was one of the most professional people I have ever met in the music business, yet had one of the biggest hearts.
Read more about her here www.cedarhouseaudio.com
There is a benefit show to help her family out this Friday Dec 22nd at El Corazon.
If you could come to the show or help PROMOTE it in any way, I'd greatly appreciate it. Here are the details:
EL CORAZON -- All Ages + 21bar with I.D.
-Friday Dec 22nd- 5:00 PM !!Sharp!!
Northwest Bands.com presents...
(((In memory of Kate Fleming)))
*MEGASAPIEN (Members of Magneto + Vendetta Red/Pris)
...and friends
cost - $7.00
doors at 4:30
peace to you all..
Seattle-based band Martian Memo To God is looking for a new bass player. We have highly experienced management and an indie label deal pending. Influences include: The Smiths, The Ramones, Nada Surf, The Strokes, The Psychedelic Furs. Check us out www.martianmemotogod.com.
Contact staley_@hotmail.com, [edited so as to not have his phone number on the blog], if you're serious and 100% available.
In 2006, from the depths of despair, Nelson asked producer/arranger/composer/mentalist Mark Nichols if he might be interested in taking the project on. According to reports, Nichols literally leapt at the opportunity. A couple of months later, an album of 14 Nilsson songs--some hits, some deep cuts, some unreleased gems--plus an 8-minute medley (very much in the style of the Beatles pastiche from Harry's debut LP) was born. Elaborately arranged with strings, brass, guitar, bass, drums, and a kids choir, the album weaves a rich, theatrical musical tapestry to wrap around Nelson's full-throated vocal stylings. With influences ranging from rock to Vauedville, from music hall to Broadway, from Tin Pan Alley to Erik Satie, "Nelson Sings Nilsson" offers an idiosyncratic showcase for one of the late-20th century's most idiosyncratic composer/arrangers.
Nada was fortunate to be invited to help out with Fish the Cat Record's 6th Annual Toys for Tots benefit at the Mars Bar on Friday night. This is an all-star event for a good cause, so come on down with a new toy.
December 8 – Mars Bar
6th Annual Benefit for Toys for Tots
Fish the Cat Records and NadaMucho.com Present an Evening of Holiday Performances by:
Young Sportsmen
Bre Loughlin
Department of Energy
The Graze
Daniel G. Harmann
Brent Amaker & the Rodeo
9 p.m. sharp. $7 or $5 w/new toy.